[Nokia N900 X Terminal] cp: How to fix Omitting Directory, Permissions Denied Linux Command Errors

While updating few files in a game on Nokia N900 using X-Terminal, files did not copy when I used cp command, it gave ‘omitting directory’ error. FIrst of all gain root access by typing following command: ~$ sudo gainroot ~$ cd MyDocs ~/MyDocs $ cp directory-name /opt/application-name/ cp omitting directory ‘directory-name’ You can fix it…

[AS3] Dynamically adding styles to TextField Component with TextFormat class in Flash using ActionScript

In AS3, styling the text content dynamically is done using TextFormat class. Create a new Flash AS3 file, In the ActionPanelCreate a TextFormat object with the specified properties. You can then change the properties of the TextFormat object to change the formatting of text fields. For making TextField Bold Setting format of TextField back to…

[AS3] Add Dynamic MovieClips to ScrollPane component using Flash

In Flash, ScrollPane component allows every kind of content to be easily added and shown in the scrollpane. Here’s how you can create MovieClips dynamically and add them to the scrollpane on the stage. First of all, this is what will it look like: [SWF]https://www.parorrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/scrollPane.swf, 500, 300[/SWF] Following are the steps that will create a…