I am a web & mobile app developer based in Lahore. I have been developing creative, interactive, usable & successful web apps, web portals, php and Flash action scripting, REST apis, WordPress plugins & themes. In recent years, I have worked on Ionic, Angular and TypeScript for hybrid mobile apps, Flutter & Dart, React & React Native, and Swift native iOS mobile app development.
Elementor Pro widgets and templates enable us to add content quickly on WordPress pages. One of the better way of adding Elementor Widgets in pages is by saving them as template, add the query id custom query filter, and add the container using short code or template or better still even use WordPress hook to…
Elementor Pro widgets and templates enable us to add posts quickly on WordPress pages. One of the feature is to add posts and filter by category. Although you can add Posts widget on every page and filter category but if you have lot of pages and may want to use one Elementor template on all…
Adding Custom Post Type (CPT) is a routine matter these days, you can easily create custom post type using CPTUI plugin, but there are some things which are not supported out of the box. WordPress does not support custom post types CPT in the archives for the default categories and tags listing for CPT. FOr…
Last week working on a project, I needed to list Recent Events in the sidebar as widget for a custom post type CPT, although there are few plugins but none provided the thumbnails for CPT, so I authored the plugin with required features and have now published both on WordPress and GitHub. The Recent CPT…
Personify MemberClicks Trade product enables you Track member relationships, optimize your revenue streams and improve member retention with MemberClicks Trade AMS. MemberClicks Trade is a membership management software built for chambers, associations and organization-based memberships. You can integrate MebmerClicks Trade product data with your WordPress website and display profile, allow member to login using Auth…
Using JavaScript filter method is the quickest way to filter and search the text in the ul > li or any element you want to in your page html. Just provide the id # of the element and define your text in search_text variable. You can also get this text using jQuery from any element…
When we create Custom Post Type in WordPress website, we usually have to add Taxonomies in the CPT and then have to make taxonomy part of url for SEO demands. There are many ways to create CPT, I won’t go into the details, you can simply use ACF or Custom Post Type UI Plugins to…
This problem appears when you add a pop-up modal window on your main web page, that will show scrolling underneath the modal window on that web page. Method 1 You can resolve this issue only with CSS on the body tag using following property but its support is limited. Method 2 A better and secure…
GeneratePress is great theme, fast in Google PageSpeed and easy to customize, and good with website SEO and I use it often for projects. There was an issue while customizing primary navigation with drop down menu in GeneratePress theme, the primary menu drop down shows on hover and disappears on mouse out, it is usually…
Adding video and sometimes multiple videos on a single page creates problem when they start playing all at once if they have been setup as autoplay and when they are out of screen view area due to scrolling web page, they continue to play and irritate viewer, here is the solution for this pesky issue,…
GeneratePress is great theme, fast and easy to customize, and good with website SEO and Google PageSpeed and I use it often. There was an issue while customizing for a client, there is an issue in GeneratePress theme when the Burger menu / Off canvas menu is closed, it staggers and pauses before closing. But…
If you need a three level menu, a select dropdown jump menu in your WordPress website, here is the solution. Use this WordPress menu anywhere in post, page and widget using shortcode with your menu name like this > [ pim_dropdown_menu menu=’Main’ ]. Here is the gist of this multi level WordPress select menu, add…
If you need a 3 level, Multi-level Accordion menu, in your WordPress website, here is the solution. Use this WordPress menu anywhere in post, page and widget using shortcode with your menu name like this > [ pim_accordion_menu menu=’Main’ ]. While creating menu links in WordPress, make sure you use custom links and provide named…
You can easily add Google maps without API key and with just simple address string of the location, just make sure you replace the blank spaces with + sign before call to the Google maps. Here is the code to be added in your php template file: <strong>Map Location</strong> <br> <iframe width=”640″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border:0″…
For Advanced Custom Fields Plugin Date Time picker custom fields, if you want to format Date / Time and it is in American format with slashes such as 23/11/2024, it won’t work with strtotime() and it will always return Jan 1, 1970 date. You need to replace ‘/’ with the ‘-‘ to format the date…