I am a web & mobile app developer based in Lahore. I have been developing creative, interactive, usable & successful web apps, web portals, php and Flash action scripting, REST apis, WordPress plugins & themes. In recent years, I have worked on Ionic, Angular and TypeScript for hybrid mobile apps, Flutter & Dart, React & React Native, and Swift native iOS mobile app development.

Facebook Graph API 3.1 – Requesting Extended Permissions for your Application

Facebook has added the app’s permissions to the user object, which can easily be accessed using Facebook Graph API and any specific permission is missing, you can request for it by redirecting user to the Facebook: $app_id =’App ID here’; $app_secret =’App Secret here’; $app_url =’App URL here’; // Create our Application instance. $facebook =…

What is Facebook Third Party ID and How to Get it using Graph API

To get the Facebook Third Party ID for your app Facebook user, try the following code using Graph API: $fbid = $facebook->api(‘/me?fields=third_party_id&access_token=’.$access_token); echo “THIRD PARTY ID: “.$fbid[‘third_party_id’]; What is Third Party ID? Facebook expressly prohibit Platform developers from passing any data from Facebook to data brokers. But sometimes there are practical reasons that developers will…