I am a web & mobile app developer based in Lahore. I have been developing creative, interactive, usable & successful web apps, web portals, php and Flash action scripting, REST apis, WordPress plugins & themes. In recent years, I have worked on Ionic, Angular and TypeScript for hybrid mobile apps, Flutter & Dart, React & React Native, and Swift native iOS mobile app development.

Calculating MySQL Age from Date of Birth Column and Selecting Records Between Age Range

While developing a Facebook Dating app recently, I needed to return records for a date range between minimum and maximum age from users table but the data was in the date format (birthday). Following select command will calculate the age from the `birthday` column value for you for each record: SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM (FROM_DAYS(DATEDIFF(NOW(),`birthday`))))+0 AS…

Get Facebook User’s Affiliations, Network Information Using Facebook Graph API

Facebook Graph API $me object does not provide user’s network info. To access FB user’s networks/affiliations information, you need to use FQL like this: $fql = ‘SELECT affiliations, name FROM user WHERE uid = ‘.$me[‘id’]; //or use this query for standard_user_info table //$fql = ‘SELECT affiliations, name FROM standard_user_info WHERE uid = ‘.$me[‘id’]; $param =…

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare do_magic_quotes_gpc() in osCommerce Store

During osCommerce store customization and add-on installation, if you get following error Cannot redeclare do_magic_quotes_gpc(): PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare do_magic_quotes_gpc() (previously declared in /home/user/public_html/butikk/includes/functions/compatibility.php:19) in /home/user/public_html/butikk/includes/functions/compatibility.php on line 3 This error is caused by copying of a module file into the languages “catalog/includes/languages/” folder by mistake during some add-on installation. Check all the files…