Some time back, we had installed Redmine a project management web application built in Rails on our server. It worked smoothly for a while but then it started getting slower. In the last few days, it slowed down to the extent that it took ages (over a minute) to load any page.
First I thought it might be due to load on server but it wa snot the cause, After some research on Redmine website, I successfully resolved the issue by changing the web server from Webrick to Mongrel.
Earlier, we were using the webrick server by starting it like this:
root@server [~]# cd to redmine directory
root@server [/home/rails_apps/redmine]#ruby script/server webrick -e production -d
Here’s how you can resolve by running mongrel:
root@server [~]# cd to redmine directory
root@server [/home/rails_apps/redmine]#mongrel_rails start --environment=production -d
As soon as you shift to mongrel, you will see the Redmine running even better than before it got slow. Just make sure you add the ‘-d’ detachment parameter at the end otherwise it will stop the server if you would exit the shell.
Hope that helps.