A Pro version of this plugin is available now. JSON API User Plus plugin is based on ‘JSON API User‘ plugin and will include all of its functions.
Apart from other features, JSON API User Plus includes API key which protects and restricts the endpoint calls. This key can be updated from Settings > User Plus options page. Your app must include this key with every call to get the data from REST API. Please see documentation for calling endpoints examples.
Download Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api-user/
Tags: json api, RESTful user registration, RESTful Facebook Login, RESTful User Meta and BuddyPress xProfile
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Extends the JSON API Plugin
JSON API User is a plugin that extends the JSON API Plugin with a new Controller to allow RESTful user registration, password reset, RESTful Facebook Login, RESTful User Meta and BuddyPress xProfile methods. This plugin is for WordPress/Mobile app developers who also want to use WordPress as mobile app backend.
Features include:
* Generate Auth Cookie for user authentication
* Validate Auth Cookie
* RESTful User Registration
* RESTful Facebook Login/Registration with valid access_token
* RESTful User Meta update
* RESTful BuddyPress xProfile fields update
* Get User Meta and xProfile fields
* Password Reset
* Get Avatar
* Get User Info
The plugin was created for mobile apps integration with the web app using WordPress as backend for all the data. WordPress helped in putting together the web app quickly and then Mobile iOS and Android apps were integrated via this plugin. There were some app specific customized methods which are not included but rest have been made generic for community usage.
My other JSON API Auth plugin has also been integrated with this from version 1.1. since most methods required user authentication via cookie for data update. You can also write your own methods by copying the existing methods if you need any user related features.
Hope this will help some.
First you have to install the JSON API for WordPress Plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/json-api/installation/).
To install JSON API User just follow these steps:
* Upload the folder “json-api-user” to your WordPress plugin folder (/wp-content/plugins)
* Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress or by using the link provided by the plugin installer
* Activate the controller through the JSON API menu found in the WordPress admin center (Settings -> JSON API)
Please check wordpress.org plugin download link for documentation.