I am a web & mobile app developer based in Lahore. I have been developing creative, interactive, usable & successful web apps, web portals, php and Flash action scripting, REST apis, WordPress plugins & themes. In recent years, I have worked on Ionic, Angular and TypeScript for hybrid mobile apps, Flutter & Dart, React & React Native, and Swift native iOS mobile app development.
When we load external swf files in Flash Movies, they may take some time to load and it’s better to place a preloader in the main movie to inform user that content is loading. It’s a bit tricky to set up preloader for external swf using ActionScript3 in Flash. Following example will show how you…
While setting up AlertPay Payment module in a osCommerce Store, I encountered following error “ap_shippingcharges field must be numeric” during a test purchase. To fix this error, open catalog/includes/modules/payment/alertpay.php Find this: tep_draw_hidden_field(‘ap_shippingcharges’, $order->info[‘shipping_cost’]) . Replace with this: tep_draw_hidden_field(‘ap_shippingcharges’, number_format($order->info[‘shipping_cost’], 2, ‘.’, ”)) . I have also updated the AlertPay contribution on osCommerce website here. Hope…
Loading external swf into a MovieClip inside your main Flash movie is a routine job and ActionScript3 allows you to do that quite efficiently. What AS3 does not provide you are the built-in functions to control loaded swf file timeline from your main movie. I initially tried to find some built-in functions to control the…
In the osCommerce Admin Panel, if you are having problem navigating to next page, 2nd, 3rd or so on, in the Products Attributes Page, following two lines will fix that issue and you will be able to navigate to next pages. Open products_attributes.php in the catalog/admin/ directory. //Find this code on line 16 or so…
Google announced late Thursday that they have launched a pretty big algorithmic update, most likely added another filter, which is targeted to improve Google SERPs. This update is quite important since it’s going to affect, according to Google, about 12% of all their search queries. Well, that’s big news and quite bad one for low…
Loading swf files in AS2 used to be a very simple thing, not so more in AS3. In the old days of AS2, loadMovie(“external-file.swf”, containerClip) would do the job. Enter AS3, now you first need to define a Loader class and then URLRequest path from where to load the external swf file location. You also…
In PHP, print_r dumps the array data nicely in readable format but there’s no such thing in Flash. The closest is the following. For numerically indexed arrays, use following: For associative arrays in Flash, you have to use for in loop like this: Hope that helps. Cheers!
While loading FLV videos using FLVPlayback Component 2.5 in Flash, when I tried to navigate to the “cue” point I had created using AS3 cue point object, It failed with following error: The solution to locate the Cue Point is using findCuePoint() method, which returns an associative array of the cue point and then get…
Using AS3 in Flash, If you want to load an external swf movie and make it go to a specific frame to play or stop, you can achieve that using AS3 Loader class with the following code: Hope that helps. Cheers!
If you get following error while installing Joomla components or plugins, It was not possible to copy the selected file. JInstaller::install: Failed to copy file: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/tmp/install_4d621e648af3f/plg_sslredirect/sslredirect.php to /var/www/localhost/htdocs/plugins/system/sslredirect.php Permission Solution You can resolve this by changing permissions (chmod to 777) on following directories in your Joomla website. chmod 777 /tmp chmod 777 /plugins/content chmod 777…
The New York Times has an interesting article about white hat and some not so white hat SEO techniques The Dirty Little Secrets of Search . The NY Times article mentions that Matt Cutts had following to say when asked what Google was going to do about Paid Back Links issue: Matt Cutts noted, too,…
If you want your Joomla based website’s logged-in pages to open over a secure (SSL) connection, follow these steps: Login to Joomla Admin panel and go to Extensions > Module Manager. Click on the “Login Form” Module and go to its details page. In the right side panel of “Module Parameters”, go to the last…
While implementing a recent osCommerce store, I needed to add Mobile Money Transfer payment as another option for the customers to pay. Requirement was quite straight forward, I needed to incorporate EasyPaisa Mobile Money Transfer provided by Telenor in Pakistan which would let customers choose it as a payment option and then make the payment…
If you ever have managed some website/portal that has any meaningful traffic, you already know what can it do to your MySQL server performance if you don’t optimise your queries and enable php server side caching. One of the things that you can do at DB level is to enable mysql_query_cache to speed up DB…
Nokia N900 has numerous exciting open source applications but not all of them are available in the Official Application Catalogs. But if you are feeling adventurous, you can add and enable these other catalogs such as Maemo Extra-devel Catalog and try lot more applications. There are many more repositories listed below. To add a new…