Mobile Safari browser which is part of iPod, iPhone and iPad does not allow file/image uploading using file input field control. When any form is opened in Mobile Safari which has file upload field, it shows it as disabled and does not allow uploading of any sort.
PIM iUpload ScriptPAG script, using free Picup App, allows iOS based devices such as iPod, iPhone and iPad users to upload their images to your Script PAG classifieds website.
Picup App is a native iPhone Application that facilitates photo uploads to the web. Since Mobile Safari doesn’t support file upload form fields, a web app can instruct Picup to choose and upload a photo. Once the upload is complete, you will be asked to provide other information regarding photo.
Script PAG is a php/mysql script which allows you to create your own classified ads website (general, property, motors, personal, etc).
Please contact us and we will install the script in your ScriptPAG classifieds website to allow your users to upload images from iPhone/iPad.