By default, jQuery Mobile framework html links that point to any other web page are loaded via Ajax and it’s so to enable animated page transitions in your app.
If you want to make your existing application links to work as it they would work in normal web app, you need to add rel=”external” attribute to all your links. jQuery makes it easy to manipulate any tags within a HTML document. Following are two examples showing how you can use it to add rel attribute.
Linking jQuery Mobile App Pages without Ajax
Links that point to other domains or that have rel=”external”, data-ajax=”false” or target attributes will not be loaded with Ajax. jQuery Mobile Framework forms need data-ajax=”false” attribute to be submitted without Ajax.
Adding rel=”external” attribute to all the existing link is time consuming. You can achieve that easily using jQuery.
Adding rel=”external” to all links for jQuery Mobile App Page using jQuery
Following code will add rel=”External” attribute to every link in the page.
And if you want to target a specific container or id, say “navigation”, use fiollowing:
$('#navigation a').attr("rel", "external"});
Hope that helps.
Got it working, it needed to be on the mobile template between the regular jquery script loading, and the mobile jquery script loading.
It is not working for me. I pasted the code in from this page, and the a links are not updating on the page in the source code. I have it inside a What else could be causing the issue. I am using
I got a similar problem and some google search led me here to your page. My problem is when the jqm html page link to my php page for uploading, the file submission no longer work. And when I add rel external, the upload works but then I don’t have jqm layout anymore. Is rel external the only way to by pass this problem with php? Thanks a lot for help.
Page layout should not be a problem with or without external links.
By default, jQuery Mobile submits form via AJAX. Just submit your form with ajax and it should work just fine.
Thanks, this is the exact function I was looking for.