PIM-oscSlideshow1.1 is the updated version for osCommerce v2.3.1. If your store is an earlier version than this, please refer to the PIM-oscSlideshow1.0 on this post.
A while back, I needed Slideshow image gallery on the home page in one of the osCommerce based store I was developing. I searched everywhere but could not find any, so I ended up developing it on my own and after lot of effort and spending some time, I have put all this together as a Contribution for community to use.
PIM-oscSlideshow will add a slideshow gallery on the home page of your osCommerce store and will add a slideshow section inside your osCommerce Admin panel under Catalog > Slideshow to manage and add slides.
Although I have developed the admin and front-end php part on my own, I have selected and used easySlider1.7 for the front end Slideshow, I take no credit for that which is entirely created by Alen – all credit to him.
if you do not want to use the easySlider as front-end slider, you can easily choose another. I have only included easySlider and jquery files this in the package for that vast majority of users who might not or can not find the required files. Any other slide show such as s3Slider or Nivo Slider can be used with this add-on. I will release another version soon with a flash front-end slideshow.
What this contribution does?
- Creates a slideshow on your osCommerce store front page
- Creates a section slideshow under Catalog inside osCommerce Admin panel
- I have selected easySlider as slideshow script to use with it which has lot of options on its own, but you can replace it with any other gallery script if you want.
Download Package
In this distribution, you will find the following files:
- slideshow.sql DB script to create “slideshow” table
- catalog/ – directory containing all the new files you need to upload in your store
- PIM-oscSlideshow v1.1 – Installation Guide – How to install PIM-oscSlideshow1.1 in osCommerce 2.3.1 store
- Instructions.txt
You can Download this PIM-oscSlideshow1.1 from osCommerce add-ons repository.
PIM-oscSlideshow1.1 Add-on Support
I wanted to create support thread on osCommerce forums, but due to time constraints, I can only check and post regularly at one place and this is why I have chosen this blog post which I have to check in any case. So for all intents and purposes, this post will become the support thread for PIM-oscSlideshow contribution.
EASY – 30 minute job!!
Just upload the files in catalog/ to their respective directories in your oscommerce store.
Also make changes in the files described in the Installation Guide for the front end and admin panel updates.
With the package, I have also provided an installation guide in pdf format, please refer to that before posting any questions.
Make sure you download the full package from the latest post (PIM-oscSlideshow1.1) on the contribution page.
Hope this Add-on will fix the issues for osc v2.3.1 store.
UPDATE: There’s better Slider (premium) available now which has much more features.
Thank you for your work.
I have two problems.
1. I can just up two photos, no more. If I upload more photos, it change the latest photo to stay only two photos.
2. I wandering just keep the slider in page index.php. So I saw your reply and did it. But, didn’t work.
So I need your help.
Thanks in advance
Hi Sakura,
Adding images should not be a problem. If you can add one or two images, you should be able to add more. There must be some other issue. Make sure you have uploaded files to the right directories.
Also, showing the slider only on index page is fairly straight forward thing. I must admit that current osCommerce code might have been changed (I have not seen it in ages) but you just have to include the slider file at right code loaction.
Dear Ali,
Thank your reply.
After posting my message, my slideshow work very well.
About my problem n°2, I knew, the slideshow displayed ID with “index.php”. OK.
However, my home page is without index.
EX : http://www.4pparis.com/botique_on_ligne/ No displayed.
How can I displayed my home page also?
Thanks in advance
instatlled this successfully on oscommerce 2.3.4 and it looks good. Only problem is it sits to the far left and col. left and col. right are pushed down on both sides. Even if I adjust css to 550 it won’t fit. Any suggestions or a workaround?
Actually you should use above the fold, above three column layout.. just underneath the header navigation. This way it will fit well. Slides are usually used above the columns. But if you want to change the width, it can all be done using css. it is too old a thread that I can’t remember the exact css classes now but it should not be too hard. Just give it a try.
Dear Ali,
I have used this easy slider addon but the images never appear, only the pointers – Kindly check – http://reneyk.missionafrika.com/
What could be wrong?
Your images are not being uploaded, although the path is being save din the DB. just using the ftp, you can place them image sin this directory.
Most probably, permissions are not right on the directory where images are being uploaded.
Thanks for the wonderful add-on for osc. I successfully installed the slider and is working fine but my store’s upper part like clicking on logo, checkout, my account tabs are not working. I mean the part above the slider is not working.
plz check the comments above, this has been answered couple of times before.
ohh thanks…
i got it… my bad
Thanks for the great contribution!
I’m just wondering how to slow down how fast the slideshow moves? It currently changes image about every 1.5 seconds. How do I make it change slower?
Hi Alfred,
Open catalog/js/easySlider1.7.js file. Search for ‘speed’ and ‘pause’ variables. You can manage the speed by changing the values there.
Animation speed in milliseconds, default value is 800.
This option is set in milliseconds and it represent the duration of each slide when plugin is set to auto sliding.
Hello and thank you for your slideshow extension.
We installed it at our shop, but actually we have the problem that all slideshow pics are shortly popping up, when you load the page and then they disappear.
Specially with IE, it is very extreme and often all slideshow pics keep staying at the page.
The slideshow pics are not that big.
Ayn idea how to solve it?
Make sure you have included the jquery library and also uploaded the css file to correct location.
I checked the path and location it is correct.
The slideshow is working, just in IE sometimes if you change from one page to another, the slideshow shows all pics the same time.
Hi Ali,
I want the slideshow to be displayed on just the index page. Where or what code should I use.
Forgot to mension that I’m using Ultimate_Seo_Urls_5_PRO_r205
Open catalog/includes/header.php and go to the end of file.
Find: require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . ‘slideshow.php’);
Rreplace with following:
Hi Ali,
I allready used this code, but when click on a category the slider still shows.
This is because the index.php is also in the url.
e.g. responsive/test-c-22.html
What code do I have to use for the slider only to show in index.php. Really the homepage after clicking on something else, I want no slider to show.
gr. Mark
Open catalog/includes/header.php and go to the end of file.
Add this:
Open catalog/includes/header.php and go to the end of file.
Add this:
Hello Ali,
It did’t work. I put the code right after
if ( ! ( $_REQUEST[‘cPath’] || $_REQUEST[‘manufacturers_id’]) && $file_name==’index.php’ ) {
require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . ‘slideshow.php’);
I think it is because I am using rewrite method in .htaccess for friendly urls.
Remove above code and replace it with the one posted earlier.
It should work for you.
@Ali, thank u very much, it works.
@ali, thank u for your respons. I’ve follow all the steps in the manual excactly, but it doesn’t appear at the frontpage. And i’ve also repeat these steps. The only thing i can see is the next and previous button. Did i miss something?
Have you added any slides by going to Admin > Slideshow?
I hope you know but sometimes people don’t realize that there are similar name directories both in catalog and inside admin and people are actually uploading files to the same folder. So make sure you are uploading files to the correct corresponding folders.
Hi Everyone,
I’m wondering if this can use also on osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.2
Yes, you can use this mod on every 2.3.x version.
Ali firstly i would like to thank you for your work here. Well i have followed all your instructions and managed to run this slider on my web. But there few problems arised afterwards. Sorry may be its only one problem..that all links above slider box cant be clicked like site logo, cart contents, checkout and my account. I am new to all this please help me with very easy steps to follow. thanks very much for your time.
This issue has been resolved in the comments already many times. Please check and you will find the solution.
Hi Ali,
Thank you for this contribution, I have downloaded the contribution form oscommerce site but there is no sql file with the configuration values. Where I can get this sql file?
Only Pro version has the configuration option for animation styles, free version has only slide management from admin panel.
Hi Ali,
Thank you for your contribution. I am very impressed for this great contribution.
I just installed this on my new website and here is my problem: all my top buttons, such as Checkout, My Account, and even Top > Catalog cannot be clicked.
How do I fix this?
Thank you before.
Problem solved after trial and error. 🙂
Hi Ali,
AT first, thank to you for this fantastics PIM-oscslideshow and i applied in my website above.
Every thing go fine in window and Mac, However the header can’t clickable when access at Ipad, can’t figure out what is going on,pleass help in this.
Please see the comments. This has been already answered.
Hi Ali
thank you for this contribution.
I successfully installed the slideshow module and added pictures, but the header won’t work.
Are you referring to header top right links?
Hi Ali
In IE it works perfect, but in Chrome and Firefox, buttons/links were blocked header.
But solved as follows:
Now is perfect in IE, Chrome and Firefox.
Thanks for contribution.
you saved my life bud, tyvm
Thank you for contributing to OSC2.3.1. I installed the add-on but I noticed that it does not appear directly on the first page (main). In the instructions it is spoken only as show in all pages. How do I put on the first page above the showcase of products? thank you
Find following line in catalog/includes/header.php:
Replace with this:
This will make the slideshow appear only on home page.
Hey Ali, I successfully installed the slideshow module and added pictures. I return two weeks later and atte mpt to add pictures, and the image is not uploading correctly.Made sure the cmod is 755.. but dont know what else could be the problem..
What error do you get?
If it was working fine earlier then most probably your hosting server configuration has been updated. Please check other option in the store like adding a new product. Can you successfully upload a new image in any product?
Excellent, thanks Ali! It was probably a bit of a silly question but you never know with these things!
it was a valid question but I had thought about it and placed everything in the slideshow.php file so that it could easily be included in any page of store.
Hi Ali,
I was wondering if it’s possible to place the gallery on a different page? I’ve basically created an ‘About us’ page within oscommerce and was wondering what would happen if I put the include into that instead or better yet another separate ‘gallery’ page.
Any ideas?
Many thanks
You can include the catalog/includes/slideshow.php in any page, it will work just as fine.
Hello good evening,
A thank you for this contribution.
I installed this module on my site but when I click on other options to navigate the page before starting the slide makes the images all appear one below the other.
For example, clicking on the box of the categories / products appear two images before the page loads and I can not fix this, help to resolve this error.
Looks like it;s working now. it must have been css file not uploaded issue.
HI, tried installing 1.2 as per the instructions. Cannot get the slideshow working.
I don’t think the admin panel is showing all of the options and I cannot configure the slideshow.
Slideshow also does not appear on the page properly, only displays an image, no controls.
Can you help me out with some instruction?
Thank you.
Your screenshot shows no error. Installation Guide has provided all the steps you need, please follow it and double check it again. Most probably, you either have skipped some step or have not uploaded the files to the correct directory.
i have installed magiczoom in my site,maybe i must delete it,i tried but it did not deleted?Answer me please,how solv this problem,if the magiczoom jQurey is problem,or not?
i checked,and i did not foun any problem,but my slideshow does not work,help,
when i upload pics by slideshow from admin panel it does not appear any slide
it is my web,if you can help me i’ll give you my admin log,and password
It’s not possible for me to debug and assist in installation of mod for free.
This mod works well and without any issue in the default 2.3.1 store. If you have installed other jQuery based mods as it seems you have, they might be conflicting somewhere. Until you give me specific error code, I can’t really identify the issue.
But when i goes to banner manager there i add pics but the slide does not work
What must i do
Please double check and redo the steps listed in the Installation Guide. You must have skipped some thing.
Help me ,i made oscommerce site v2.3.1 and add nivo slideshow,but i can’t edit that,i opened baner manager and add there pics,but the slide did not work
For Nivo slider to work with this mod, there’s is lot of code to change. I have made it available in a separate pro version. YOu may want to check that.
Sorry the other day, i post in this blog but not find my comment, i say don’t work for me, but i don’t see the file database_file are 2 diferent, i was think is the same file and only work in the first, thes is the rasson, but i try again and works fine, many tks,
sorry for my english
Hello, I have a problem with the slideshow:
The site has three languages, English. German and greek. I see the slide show on the German side only. Where I’ve got a bug?
Thanks in advance
This is not bug rather as mentioned earlier in previous comments, this Slideshow only supports one language.
However I have developed another slideshow (this is not free version) and almost done with testing which supports Multi-lingual and many other features which are not available in free version. This slideshow uses Nivo Slider on front-end. I will post it’s demo tomorrow online for you to see.
Ok… i wait of tomorrow
Thanks in advance
Here’s the new version of osCommerce Slider with lot more features including multi-lingual support. It uses Nivo Slider jQuery Plugin to animate and slide images.
I cannot seem to add any more than 1 image (jpg) to the slide show. When I add 2 it shows one on top of each other and does not “slide”.
Any help would be appreciated.
Please upload easy-slider.css file, js folder and other associated images in the images directory on server. I think you have missed few steps. Go over the installation guide once again and re-check the steps. I think you have not uploaded any of the files present in the catalog folder.
Hello; Thank you for your reply. I have double checked the installation instructions and I cannot get the images to go together and slide.
I must be missing something but I don’t know what.
jQuery file missing on your server. check this link http://the-beautybarn.co.uk/catalogue/ext/jquery/jquery-1.8.16.min.js & due to this, all other jQuery based plugins on your website must not be working.
Hello Ali
Thank you for your assistance on this matter. I have upgraded the jquery to 1.8.7 across the board and it is now running perfect.
Hey there,
how can i manage the order of the images
in admin?
Just add the the images inside admin panel in the order you want them to appear in the slideshow. Since it’s just one time activity, you can delete and re-add easily. 🙂
sorry, the web is : http://www.ikebana-menorca.com/simo
I’ll check and test it again and let you know.
sorry, slideshow show both IE and FireFox in the middle, but…
Buttons to go to “my chart”, “my account”… shown in the top of page don`t work in FF but work in IE. In other browsers I don´t test.
I’ve OSC v. 2.3
what is the problem ? Somebody has this problem ?
Great contribution. Tks.
Please check the buttons by removing the slideshow from front end website. Problem must be due to some other issue. Buttons have nothing to do with this mod.
How would one modify this so that the pictures for the rotator load after the page loads. The customers have to wait at least 6 seconds for the page to load because the pictures load with the page.Thanks.
Other than that, the picture rotator works wonderfully!
Please check the latest ver 1.2 posted on osCommerce website. Ther;es soem code added to fix this issue.
Hello, now I have a little problem!
Now everything works but when I click Next, or Back, it is for auto slide manual!
Hello Google Chrome does not work in the script but it appears the image is still, does not change! only update the page! Will upgrade to v1.2 and now runs FireFox and Internet Explorer but does not work in Google Chrome!
For 1.2 version, I think the Chrome problem occurs due to js code addition that I took from another contributor. Anyway, go to catalog/includes/slideshow.php and remove these lines:
Hope that will fix in every browser.
Hello, I removed, but still stopped the slide in Google Chrome … I think it might be a command in Java, that Chrome does not read!
I did check the slideshow without the additional code in Chrome and it works just fine as it works in Firefox and IE. May be you are using some beta version of Chrome. in any case, it’s a css issue which might be due to some of your theme styles or js files conflict.
Hello I am using the version of Chrome: 16.0.912.63 doubt want to go where m “http://www.maxiimpor.com/maxiimpor2” you will see two banners, a normal OS, and one that I’m putting to work try to see if I reinstall Chrome …
Yes, it does not work in my Chrome either, most probably some js or css code of your website which is conflicting with it.
I’ll edit the CSS code to see if it works! also tested in Safari Do not Work!
Post results!
Hello I have not succeeded!
Is it really that is CSS? can not you be the JS?
In Google Chrome and Safari does not work!
I’m testing various things, when I hit “ext \ jquery \ jquery-1.4.2.min.js” he dismounted!
is difficult place to work in Chrome!
Check this website, it works there in every browser including Safari and Chrome. You should first install it in default osCommerce store and then go ahead. Most probably it’s some issue with yuor theme css/js files.
So it works, also tried to put the index.php it worked!
Just what I put in template_top.php and is giving the error!
I found the problem would be to “” that was taking place was wrong!
But how do I center?
(Merry Christmas)
I’m glad you resolved it. Merry Christmas.
need to divide the banner, one part with image, another text including html, come slideshow_description field, This helps to improve SEO. can you help?
Very good contribution. thanks
s3Slider will do the job for you. Just replace the easySlider from the slideshow.php, if you know some php, you can do that easily. if you can’t do it yourself, I might help you, email me with details.
Hi Ali,
Thank you very much for your replay.
I did check files I uploaded and inserted into my script, and it looks like everything I have done is according to your instructions. I am receiving this error message right after I insert into my catalog/index.php file. So being honest I do not know where to look for the mistake I made. Please advise. Thank you very much. Regards, Sean
I’m not sure but let’s try this in the catalog/includes/slideshow.php and add following code before function tep_get_slideshow:
It will make sure that function tep_get_slideshow is defined only once even if you include the file twice.
Hi Ali,
And again thank you for your support. I was trying to find the function tep_get_slideshow in thecatalog/includes/slideshow.php and have no results, its not there. Dear Ali, if I send you my hosting and store admin log in info, would you be so kind to check for possible mistakes from my side, and help me to set up the slider on the front page of my store? I will greatly appreciate your help and support. Thank you in advance.
Send me the email, and I’ll have a look.
Hi Ali,
Thank you very much !!!
You are the Best !!!
Slider is working perfectly !!!
I did change the size of the slider in order to fit my site few lines lower (catalog/index.php – line # 258), everything looks great and works great but buttons (left – right) are offset for some reason… Any idea as for the reason?
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !!!
Regards Sean
Left and right arrows have to be offset from the main image so that main slide image could sit underneath the header. That’s the default settings. If you want to change the position of arrows, change their css in easy-slider.css file.
Hi Ali,
I did install your mode on my site. When opening the front page after the installation i receiving the following Error Message –>
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare do_magic_quotes_gpc() (previously declared in /home/sola/public_html/includes/functions/compatibility.php:18) in /home/sola/public_html/includes/functions/compatibility.php on line 30
Please help
Thank you in advance,
Hi Sean,
You must have included the catalog/includes/slideshow.php file twice. Please refer to the installation Guide 2.5.1 and 2.5.2. As mentioned in the guide, either implement 2.5.1 or 2.5.2.
Please note that you can’t include it twice. Either put it in catalog/includes/header.php or in the catalog/index.php file.
Ali thanks for your time, I ran the query on another db so now the error that appeared under my admin is gone and displays 0 of 0 slides so that’s all good. I edited the index.php but keep getting the same error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/arnaldoa/public_html/tienda/index.php on line 18
Line 18 on my compiler is: display products
So maybe there is a conflict?
Beautiful contribution, I’d definitely contribute myself once I get it going because I have been looking for a slide for some time, and the instructions are easy and clear. So when I get to step 2.5.2. Well firstable, my index.php doesn’t have line 247, as a matter of fact, the last line is 210, although I did find yet when I add i get the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/arnaldoa/public_html/tienda/index.php on line 18 so everything went smooth but that last step, any clues? Thanks in advance 😀
Please post the code here. It looks like some very basic php syntax error. Please redo the step 2.5.2. You must have left something.
I am also getting:
1146 – Table ‘arnaldoa_osc1.slideshow’ doesn’t exist
select count(*) as total from slideshow
On the admin panel > catalog > slideshow
Maybe the whole thing is related?
It seems you have not run the sql script to create the slideshow table. Do it and all errors will go away.
Nevermind I got, but is there a way to not have the next slide come all the way from the right side? It kind of floats over the left side menus. Thanks!
You can change the width of the container div #slider in the easy-slider.css file that should fix the width for container as per your requirement.
ok so code does not show up in your thread
ok I found the problem
It was some code that I placed in template_top to sort out IE css compatability issues… this is the code…
When I remove this it sorts out the large blank space in ff… but now IE is messed up again… Will I ever win:)
Thanks again Ali… Your contribution is the beez kneez by the way…
I did not change any padding. It works fine in IE… Just firefox… Sorry for being a pest… but I was hoping to go live tomorrow and the slide show in firefox was the only thorn in my side. Now it seems I have a bigger Thorn:)
Thanks Ali
ok… that worked. I now have a large blank space at the top of my page after the header and before the slideshow…. Do I need to add the clear both lines in the easy-slider.css???
Blank spaces in css files add nothing.
Most probably some margin or padding is causing it. check your css styles and look for top margin and top padding.
Hi Ali
I still have the Firefox problem that frank mentioned a few months ago. Being quite new to this, I tried everything to sort out the problem… but to no avail.. Please assist in anyway you can.
This should work. Place it after and before the closing of the slider div in catalog/includes/slides.php
hello can i add two PIM slide show on the same page
At the moment, multiple slideshows are not supported but with some custom coding, it can be done. I might find some time to do it let me know about your requirements.
hi, ali,
i have the same problem like luca. I have checked my files german.php and general.php but its all ok. My problem is the same.
What is now to do?
HI Sven,
Luca reported many problems but none had anything to do with mod. Luca had missed the installation steps.
Hi ali,
thank for your is very good, but the slider is all to the right, the resolution is set to 300×300 with both IE and Firefox
You can do this by changing the styles for content-slide id in the easy-slider.css file. Just create the padding on right and left and the image swill go in the center.
something like this
thanks it was a rom before 😀
But now: the headericons don’t work only if i took them p.e. 700px from top. What is that?
can’t really say what might be causing it.
1146 – Table ‘cubikon_oscommerce.TABLE_SLIDESHOW’ doesn’t exist
select count(*) as total from TABLE_SLIDESHOW
Please refer to the PIM oscSlideshow 1.1 Installation Guide for osCommerce 2.3.1 and follow step # 2.3.2. You have missed it and I think you have missed many other steps. Please go through the installation guide, everything is defined quite extensively there.
thank you ali but now it shows this:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/httpd/vhosts/cubikon.li/httpdocs/catalog/admin/includes/languages/german.php:1) in /home/httpd/vhosts/cubikon.li/httpdocs/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 34
This is the same error. What is now to do? 😀 The site works great except the header
this error can be for several reasons but it has nothing to do with this mod.
Open your these files german.php and general.php and check there is no white space before this opening tag <?php and after this closing tag ?>
And what is whit this:
The requested URL /catalog/admin/FILENAME_SLIDESHOW was not found on this server.
Please refer to the PIM oscSlideshow 1.1 Installation Guide for osCommerce 2.3.1 and follow Step # 2.3.2. You have missed it.
Hey ali i have a huge problem
i cant come into the adminarea it says:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/httpd/vhosts/cubikon.li/httpdocs/catalog/admin/includes/languages/german.php:1) in /home/httpd/vhosts/cubikon.li/httpdocs/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 34
Hi Luca,
There’s nothing in the mod that would mess your admin panel access. You must have missed some code while updating. The best approach would be to reverse your changes and start afresh
Hi ali
I don’t think you understand what I am trying to say… When I add it ONLY to the index.php, the slideshow alligns like the snapshop I send (covering the side banners etc). When I add it ONLY to the header.php file it works fine with some minor allignment adjustments in slideshow.php and the css file. However, I only want to appear in my index and not the whole site… But in doing this… The structure goes haywire like the snapshop I sent… Sorry for being a bother, but I have no idea what to do…
HI Ali
I tried adding the slideshow to all pages and it works fine… However, I would like to only add it to my index…and you saw the result in the snapshot… If you find a solution for me… I would be grateful
Please read 2.5 from the Installation Guide. you just need to do 2.5.2 (not 2.5.1)
This is also mentioned there:
Hi Ali
Thanks for the reply, I do not understand… I did what you proposed on an earlier install, it looked fine but did not look like it should look in the snapshops that others provide. What I mean is that instead of my slider being above the side banners it appears between them. This was fine, accept that it made the site look a bit out of proportion. I am using the latest version of IE. I am sorry if I sound a bit pestering, but any help would be most appreciated
Note: you can see fre’s snapshop to see what I mean if I wasn’t sounding too sane:)
Hi Ali
Great contribution, however I am having problems with the allignment, here is a snapshop
where am I going wrong??
check the easy-slider.css file and change the slider container width to match your’s. Also change the image width and height in catalog/includes/slideshow.php
By the way, this issue has been discussed and replied several times. This has also been mentioned in the installation guide.
Thanks , for your time, that worked great 🙂
Hi, I have installed your slide show and it’s great. But the pic seems to be blury. I have my .css file set to:
define width and height of list item (slide)
entire slider area will adjust according to the parameters provided here
And my image resised to 200x150px to see if that made it change. It diden’t
Any help would be good
Hi Rich,
If you would set the exact size of images in the css, that would be best. Image is blurry because you are not viewing it in the original dimensions. Since you do not really want to upload different dimensions images, it’s very easy to decide the width and height and then set it accordingly in the css.
You may also want to set the width of images in the catalog/includes/slideshow.php file. just open the file and change the width and height parameters in the slideshow function call.
oh my god….excuse for my stupidity….lol
The slideshow is working now,
but I have another problem, the keys in the header does not work …. more
I’m sorry again if I exploit your availability
which header keys do not work?
hi ali….thx for contribution, but to me it does not work….I did everything that was written in the guide
these are the screenshots of what I see
site and mysql
I have done something wrong?
Thanks for your attention
In your screenshots, there’s no error.
One question though since your slideshows screenshot looks empty, have you added images in your slideshow using the admin panel? this is kinda silly questtion but I don’t think any other reason why woud not they appear.
how can include sil2de image or slide show in oscommerce 2.3.1.
Hi Ali.
Thanks for your reply. Yes I will try a few things the next couple of days and see what I come up with.
It´s such a nice contribution and it´s worth that little extra to try and make it work on my site.
Hi Ali.
Thanks for a great contribution!
I have a similar problem as Frank. For me it works perfectly in FF and Chrome, but in Explorer it breaks the design.
Guess I also need to write some DIV tags to hold together the design.
Frank wrote on June 30: “Here’s the code:
Do you know where it went? This missing code could point me in the right direction I believe.
Best regards.
I never got that piece of code by Frank but he exaplained it well. You need to place a div somewhere after the images container with the css class clear: both;
That’s my best guess, You do need to try few things.
How do you add a colored border around the slideshow? I am not sure what to alter in the CSS file.
Thank you.
Open catalog/easySlider.css, and find #content-slide id.
Add following line of code in the #content-slide to ake it look like:
You may want to change the border color and width to match the width of your images.
Hi Ali,
I solved the problem with the newest Firefox version (when placing the slideshow in the Header).
The newest release of OsCommerce v.2.3.1 uses a “float:left” attribute in the css File “960_24_col.css” (found in ext/960gs/).
So I greated a new DIV, gave it the atrribute “clear:both”, placed the slideshow inside this DIV and voila – it looks superbe in ALL Browsers.
Here is the Code:
Thx for this Contrib – have a nice day -best wishes from Germany
Thank you Frank for posting the solution. It will surely help others.
Danke vielmals
p.s. That’s all the German I know! apart from one other sentence. 🙂
I can’t understand how people get it right. The following function is repeated twice: tep_get_slideshow() and gives the following error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_get_slideshow() (previously declared in /home/innov712/public_html/testingsite18/includes/slideshow.php:15) in /home/innov712/public_html/testingsite18/includes/slideshow.php on line 54
It did not solve the problem with one of them deleted as slideshow.php is located in many places.
Hi Joe,
Please check the installation guide, please refer to step 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 in the guide.
You can include catalog/includes/slideshow.php only once, whether for 2.5.1 To show on every page of your store or 2.5.2 To show only on Home Page.
You can’t include slideshow twice. Either put it in catalog/includes/header.php or in the catalog/index.php file.
Either implement 2.5.1 or 2.5.2 but not both simultaneously.
Sorry, Ali .. i wasa bit to fast 😉
Ok, I tried everything (I`m quite alright with CSS) but it doesnt work in Firefox.
Brilliant look and feel in all other Browsers.
I adjustet the CSS + Image Sizes correct – nothing, it sits right next to the shop. I also tried it with a smallerimage size than typed in the CSS or in “$slideshow = tep_get_slideshow(‘ul’,’950′,’200′);” – nothing.
Thx for your help an patience
It’s alright. 🙂
I’ll check it in the latest Firefox myself and try to figure out what’s cauing this, it’s certainly a css issue.
Why did you delete my question?
Hi Frank, I deleted nothing. It takes a while before the comment is published and it was by chance that I was online at this time and published it immediately.
Hi Ali,
thx, great Contribution.
The only thing: on the new Firefox it destroys the propper display.
The Slideshow Images are right next to the Shop.
I tried to fix it, it must be an CSS thing – but cant get it to work.
Here a Screenshot:
In all other Browsers it looks alright.
Maybe you`ve got an idea?
Greetz & Thx
Please check the catalog/includes/slideshow.php and change the width and height of images as per your images sizes. I think i gave 970 x 280 as default width and height.
You should check the css files for easy-slider.css file and change the width:970px; to match your images dimensions.
I got it solved..
It was a code in the categories.php which I changed.
It works now
Dear Ali,
What do I need to do to solve it?
easySlider1.7.js is on the server catalog/js/easySlider1.7.js
Do I need to also change something in the easy-slider.css settings? as I did not touch this file 🙂
Just make sure both of these files, easySlider1.7.js and easy-slider.css, are inluded in the catalog/includes/slideshow.php and they are available on server.
Missing styles is the only reason that you see those slideshow images one after another.
Like your contrib very much, but I can’t get it working.
I changes all files (and checked it twice).
But when I add slides in the admin (which is no problem) the website will show all slides under each other.
Any idea what I missed? or did wrong?
I think you are missing css part because when the slides appear under each other, it means they have been added correctly to the front end store. Only css styles or easySlider.js file must be missing now.
Hey there and thank you for the nice implementation of easyslider-script in oscommerce 2.3.1-works fine.
Just working on a shop for a friend :aircraft….
I want so replace the easyslide script with s3slider cause the alphatransparence filter options and captions. But cant figure it out, how to do. the includes/slideshow.php i have altered with necessary changes also the s3slider.js and s3slider.css uploaded to the correct places in filestructure. The loading Javascript i habe also altered to s3slider, but it dont works 🙁 have i missed something?
A little help would be great
Best regards Juergen
I do like s3slider and nivo slider myself, & I had thought to provide separate contributions after compelting it. But due to very busy work schedule, I have not been able to find enough time.
You are right, all you have to do is to make changes in the catalog/includes/slideshow.php file and use s3slider code in place of easySlider1.7. You just have to include the relevant js file and css files plus images with correct paths.
I’ll check it myself in a day or two, I know I promised to make one with Nivo slider as well, I hope I’d do it on this weekend.
I’m glad so many people are finding this contributino useful.
Is it possible to display the images randomly?
Great Contribution!
That’s a good suggestion, and I have made few changes to the function tep_get_slideshow with the added parameter for random order of images in the slideshow.
'; foreach ($slides_array as $k){ if($k['slide_url']) $slides_ul .= '- ' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $k['slide_image'], $k['slide_name'], $width, $height) . '
else $slides_ul .= '- ' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $k['slide_image'], $k['slide_name'], $width, $height) . '
$slides_ul .= '
'; } if($output=='array') return $slides_array; else return $slides_ul; } //call the function with random parameter as true $slideshow = tep_get_slideshow('ul','970','280', true);Just give it a try, I have not tested it but I have every reason to that it’ll work.
Go to catalog > includes> slideshow.php and replace the existing function with the above one.
Also make sure you call the function with random parameter set to true.
Or simply download the new slisdeshow file from here and replace it with this one catalog > includes> slideshow.php
roger do you find any solutions ???
Nevermind with some tweaking to the css and a addition to align to the index.php I got it fixed…
I am using the default template and adjusted the size to 540×200 but I need to move the whole thing to the right to center it on page.
hi, i have this error when installation is complete
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_get_slideshow() (previously declared in C:\AppServ\www\oscommerce-2.3.1\catalog\includes\slideshow.php:15) in C:\AppServ\www\oscommerce-2.3.1\catalog\includes\slideshow.php on line 40
could you help
I’m sure you have copied the tep_get_slideshow function twice. remove its one instance.. just search for function tep_get_slideshow and remove it.