There are times when you want to use a full width template for your blog post or WordPress page without the sidebar(s), left or right. To achieve this, you need to create a Full-Width Page Template in your WordPress theme. Follow these steps to do this:
1. Go to your theme directory, and make a copy of your page.php file and rename it Page Template (full-width-page.php)
2. Add this to the very top of full-width-page.php
Template Name: Full-Width Page Template
3. Remove following line from the full-width-page.php file.
4. Go to the WordPress editor. Open up any page or post you want a wide page on. To the right of the edit post box you will see a box for Template. Set the template to Full-Width Page Template and save.
5. You may also want to add a full page width class in your css file. Just add the following class in your stylesheet:
#content.widepage {
//whatever width yuo may want to set for it
width: 960px;
You can then apply this class to the content area in your full-width-page.php file. For instance your content wrapper id is content, you can change it to following:
Hope that helps.