“If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.”
― Tony A. Gaskins Jr.
I made some New Year resolutions this year 2014 with the resolve to follow them to the T.
One of them was changing my life style, hair style (Ha, until I have them why not!), going back to ‘Wise Guy’ look of university days and other was to start working on developing apps and products and some web based services that could become long term things rather than working on projects and continuing day job that I had been doing for the last 14 years.
During our lunch time and whenever we could, we developers used to discuss, is this enough that what we are doing? While people are developing and selling ‘Viber’ and ‘What’s app’ and making billions and we are doing what? It was always me who put this troublesome and thought provoking question, on the same trajectory that we are growing financially, are we making enough that after 10 years, we will say we did well or we are just going through daily routines, churning codes for clients and implementing their silly feedbacks and then redoing it next day. And by the way, we can’t do it for ever anyway. Okay, it is paying us our day jobs but is it the optimized way to spend our time and youthful years while we can do more exciting stuff, take risks and make hay while we have hairs (At least I have, most developers lose theirs after spending some years of coding by pulling them, may be mine survived because I designed too and all artists have long hairs :D).
All developers are risk averse by default and lazy asses, otherwise they’d not be developers anymore, they would become Entrepreneurs. While this discussion was alive, I went through the personal crisis and I lost interest in work, so much so that I even had to drag myself to work… and I did that because alternative was even worse.. Anyway, once I came out of that storm, I was a different man. Now determined, I wanted to try new things in life, and wanted to change it drastically. I wanted to study more, learn new languages and some more (and be massive success) and one day during meeting, company provided the chance to do it. They offered me to work on contract basis and that was the push and freedom I needed.
I have finally freed myself from the day job for the time being and will be working on this PI Media website for products and apps I always wanted to try and had been planning for a while.
I gave myself some months to get out of the routine office job and meanwhile I worked on some web apps ideas and I finally decided to develop some WordPress pro versions of plugins and themes. I had been publishing free versions of these plugins on wordpress.org and was getting lots of requests for new features.
Apart from WordPress Plugins, there are some web apps and web portals that I have worked previously but never really followed them after the initial prototypes were developed. These portals and apps are travel, events and greetings cards niches.
Specifically, I also have one Fashion related Street Style WordPress theme partially developed and need to finish it before releasing.
So now, having done the home work on what to do and the basic work on these ideas already done, I’m finally starting it as a full time work and going to release these products very soon within this month and working through this winter, let’s see what I achieve.
I’m finally back to PI Media!