A swipeable UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell allows Left and right swipe actions, Action buttons with: text only, text + image, image only and many more features.
Implementing SwipeCellKit Pod in your Xcode project is quite straight forward. Although I followed all instructions to install and implement SwipeCellKit Pod defined on its page, there was following error:
Could not cast value of type ‘UITableViewCell’ to ‘SwipeCellKit.SwipeTableViewCell’
In Main.storyboard, make sure that everywhere you want to use the reusable tableView “Cell“, select the Tableview, cell, and on the right pane in the Identity Inspector, you have these two fields under Custom Class:
- Set the Class to SwipeTableViewCell (press enter)
- And Module to SwipeCellKit.
Here is the screenshot.
Hope that helps.