Before you go live with your osCommerce store, make sure your checkout process page are secure and opening over SSL protocol (https://). Of course you need to have SSL certficate installed on your domain. Before you attempt this, open your store domain over SSL and if it opens fine without any browser warning, your store is ready to go secure.
If it does show warning, or just doesnot open at all, you need to read this first How to Install SSL certificate
You can enable SSL in osCommerce catalog/includes/configure.php file. Set “ENABLE_SSL” to true.
define('HTTPS_SERVER', '');
define('ENABLE_SSL', true);
Hope that helps.
Hey first of all thanks a ton for the quick reply.
In my first message i did mention that I have already made the changes to the admin config file.
The SSL works fine on client side pages (checkout, login, etc) but all links on the admin side are always on HTTP.
I overlooked that you needed it for Admin panel.. But process is similar..
Open catalog > admin dir > includes > configure.php
And chnage ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG to true like this:
Its a very helpful tip. But can you also suggest as to how to add HTTPS to the admin section? I have tried to edit the configuration file in the admin/include folder but it still shows http. (2.3.1)
Open to catalog > includes > configure.php
You will see the above code. Just change the ENABLE_SSL to true liek this:
Don’t forget to define your SSL enabled url in the HTTPS_SERVER constant as well in the above mentioned file.
Also note that SSL must be enabled on your web server for your domain otherwise it will show page not found error.
Hope that helps!