RSS is one of those technologies that help you syndicate your content easily. If you use WordPress as blog, you can set up and configutre howmany blog posts you want to syndicate via RSS. You can also choose whether you want to syndicate Full Article or just its summary.
The default WordPress setting of “Full Article” is not good choice in my opinion. Most WordPress users do not know that they can easily change this to summary. To make this change and configure other RSS options:
Go to your WordPress Blog Admin panel and then “Settings > Reading”
You can set up “Syndication feeds show the most recent” to any number of items Items.
And “For each article in a feed”, show “Full Text” or “Summary”
Choosing summary is the better option here as you do not want to syndicate your whole article in RSS feed. You do want users to come to your website after reading summary of the post.
Hope that helps.