GeneratePress is great theme, fast and easy to customize, and good with website SEO and Google PageSpeed and I use it often.
There was an issue while customizing for a client, there is an issue in GeneratePress theme when the Burger menu / Off canvas menu is closed, it staggers and pauses before closing. But it opens smoothly and just fine.
If you are also facing this issue and want to resolve this, just add this css in your Customize > Additional CSS:
/* for desktop width */ :root { --slideout-width: 500px; --gp-slideout-width: 500px!important; } /* for small device width */ @media(max-width: 768px) { :root { --slideout-width: 100%; } } #generate-slideout-menu.main-navigation.offside { width: var(--slideout-width); } #generate-slideout-menu.main-navigation.offside--left { left: calc(-1 * var(--slideout-width)); } { transform: translate3d(var(--slideout-width), 0, 0); }
Hope that helps.