This endpoint is used to get a user’s BuddyPress notifications. There are many optional parameters available to filter and sort the results.
Resource URL
Required Parameters
- cookie
- key – get API key from Settings > User Plus
Optional Parameters
- component_name - Name of the component to filter by.
- component_action - Name of the action to filter by.
- item_id - ID of associated item.
- is_new - Whether to limit to new notifications.
- True returns only new notifications, false returns only non-new notifications. 'both' returns all. Default: true.
- search_terms - Term to match against component_name or component_action fields.
- order_by - Database column to order notifications by. Default: date_notified
- sort_order - Either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Default: DESC
- page - Number of the current page of results. Default: false (no pagination - all items).
- per_page - Number of items to show per page. Default: false (no pagination - all items).
Sample Request URL