With the MemberClicks Auth Plugin, you can login MemberClicks users automatically to your WordPress website. You can create up to five custom landing pages URIs in your WordPress website and also define the same URIs in the MemberClicks Admin panel. Each login link will bring the user to designated landing page and automatically log them into WordPress website.
WordPress can be an excellent and lot cheaper alternative for MemberClicks Membership website, MemberClicks Conference and Event Management website, and MemberClicks Learning Management website using relevant WordPress plugins. it also makes sense to use WordPress if you already have WordPress powered website and can easily add other relevant plugins. You just need to get our MemberClicks Auth plugin to login users conveniently.
MemberClicks Auth Plugin Settings Page for Automatic Login
Here is the list of MemberClicks Auth Plugin Settings page options where you can set up redirected URIs and login links:
On this settings page tab, you can set up automatic login after redirecting from MemberClicks website. You just have to provide a link in a menu where user can click to go to and get redirected back to website as logged in user. You can also add this link on your website as redirect, just point the user on that landing page and redirect user to MemberClicks logging in web page.
You can add up to five Redirect URIs. They must be exactly the same URI that you have added in MemberClicks API Client Settings page. Please see the screenshot below of options.
You can copy URIs from your MemberClicks admin panel from API Client Settings Page Redirect URIs section. This allows you to add a login link on your website and let the user to login from MemberClicks website and get redirected back.
Your Login link can be placed on this website menu, it takes users to login page on your MemberClicks website and get redirected here after successful login and returned user gets logged in to this website automatically.
Alternatively, you can use Login Form shortcode available below to login users, with their MemberClicks credentials, directly on your WordPress website.
You can buy the MemberClicks Auth WordPress plugin here