Events Listing Features of Personify MemberClicks Trade API Integration Plugin for WordPress

Personify MemberClicks Trade product enables you Track member relationships, optimize your revenue streams and improve member retention with MemberClicks Trade AMS. MemberClicks Trade is a membership management software built for chambers, associations and organization-based memberships. You can integrate MebmerClicks Trade product data with your WordPress website and display profile, allow member to login using Auth…

Personify MC Professional WordPress Plugin

New Feature of WordPress User Login Selection for Personify MC Professional Plugin

In Personify MemberClicks Auth WordPress Plugin latest released version 2.6.1, a new feature has been added in User Configuration section to select whether to use email address or first+last name for creating WordPress user login. Earlier, plugin used user Personify MC Professional member first and last name combination to create login. Apart from choosing Type…

Personify MC Professional WordPress Plugin

Import Personify MC Professional User with its Type or Groups & Assign WordPress Roles

WordPress as CMS can be an excellent and much cheaper alternative for Personify MemberClicks Membership website, MemberClicks Conference and Event Management website, and MemberClicks Learning Management website using relevant WordPress plugins. it also makes sense to use WordPress if you already have WordPress powered website and can easily add other relevant plugins. You just need…

MemberClicks Events & Groups Listing via Oasis API with WordPress Plugin

MemberClicks offers All-in-one association management software that allows members management, email marketing, events registrations for members, membership renewals, and different level of Membership. MemberClicks Oasis API is a JSON REST API that allows a 3rd party client to interact with your Oasis (Members) data. Using Oasis API, MemberClicks Auth WordPress Plugin enables clients to allow their MemberClicks…

MemberClicks Auth WordPress Plugin using Oasis API Integration

MemberClicks offers All-in-one association management software that allows members management, email marketing, events registrations for members, membership renewals, and different level of Membership. MemberClicks Oasis API is a JSON REST API that allows a 3rd party client to interact with your Oasis (Members) data. Using Oasis API, MemberClicks Auth WordPress Plugin enables clients to allow their MemberClicks…

WordPress Plugin for REST API Endpoints Documentation – PI API Docs

We have finally released a Documentation WordPress Plugin for API endpoints today after months of testing and development. PI API Documentation is a WordPress Plugin. This Plugin adds Custom Post Type Documentation which enables you to add Documentation for your REST API endpoints. It is super easy to use and add API documentation quickly on your WordPress website. PI…